Decanting Pantry Items

Decanting Pantry Items

Decanting pantry items into glass jars or containers can be a great way to get organised, but whether you should do it depends on your personal preferences and needs. 

Pros of Decanting:

  1. Visual Appeal: Clear glass jars or containers can create a visually appealing and uniform look in your pantry. This can make it easier to see what you have and help you keep track of your supplies.

  2. Space Efficiency: Transferring items from their original packaging to uniform containers can help you optimise your pantry's space. Containers can be stacked or arranged neatly, maximizing your storage area.

  3. Freshness and Preservation: Some items, like dry goods and grains, may stay fresher longer in airtight containers that protect them from moisture, air, and pests.

  4. Reduced Clutter: Removing excess packaging can reduce clutter in your pantry, making it easier to find and access items quickly.


  1. Cost: Decanting may involve purchasing glass jars or containers, which can be an added expense.

  2. Time and Effort: Transferring items to containers can take time, especially if you have a lot of pantry items. Consider whether you're willing to invest the effort to make the switch.

  3. Labeling: When you decant items, labeling becomes important to quickly identify what's inside each container. This can require additional time and organisation.

  4. Suitability for All Items: Not all pantry items are suitable for decanting. Some items, like canned goods, may be better off remaining in their original packaging.

Tips for Decanting:

  1. Assess the Need: Consider which pantry items would benefit most from being transferred to containers. Items like rice, pasta, grains, and baking ingredients often work well.

  2. Invest Gradually: You don't need to decant everything at once. Start with a few frequently used items and gradually expand if you find it beneficial.

  3. Label Clearly: Label containers with the contents and expiration date (if applicable) to prevent confusion and waste.

  4. Use Airtight Containers: Choose containers with airtight seals to ensure the freshness and longevity of your pantry items.

  5. Mindful Shopping: If you're planning to decant, be mindful of the quantity you buy so that you don't end up with excess that doesn't fit in your containers.

Ultimately, the decision to decant pantry items comes down to what will work best for your specific situation. Consider the pros and cons, assess your organisation goals, and choose a strategy that aligns with your preferences and needs.  If you do decide to go down the decanting route then shop our food storage containers here

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