Fridge Organisation

The Art of Fridge Organisation

A cluttered and disorganised fridge can lead to frustration, wasted food, and bad meal choices.   However, with a little planning and organisation, you can transform your fridge into a well-arranged haven of freshness and efficiency. 

Fridge Organisation

Benefits of an organised fridge:

    1. Food Safety: Proper organisation helps maintain appropriate temperature zones within the fridge, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and food contamination. It ensures that perishable items, such as meats and dairy products, are stored correctly to prolong their freshness and prevent cross-contamination.

    2. Minimising Food Waste: When your fridge is organised, it's easier to see what you have and what needs to be used before it goes off. By keeping track of expiration dates and placing older items in front, you can makes sure you eat these first and reduce food waste.

    3. Time and Money Savings: A well-organised fridge allows you to quickly locate ingredients and meal prep items. You'll spend less time searching through cluttered shelves and be more efficient in your cooking. Additionally, by reducing food waste, you'll save money on grocery bills.

    4. Extended Shelf Life: Certain fruits, vegetables, and condiments have specific storage requirements. Proper organisation ensures that items are stored in optimal conditions, extending their shelf life and preserving their flavor and quality.

Tips for an organised fridge:
    1. Empty and Clean: Start by removing all items from your fridge and giving it a thorough clean. Discard any expired or out of date food and wipe down shelves, drawers, and surfaces with a mild cleaning solution.

    2. Categorise and Group: Categorise your items into groups such as dairy, meats, fruits, vegetables, condiments, and drinks. Store similar items together to make them easily accessible and to avoid confusion.

    3. Utilise Zones: Assign specific zones within your fridge to different food categories. The lower shelves are typically the coldest, making them ideal for raw meats and dairy products. The upper shelves are slightly warmer, suitable for leftovers and ready-to-eat foods. The door shelves are great for condiments, dressings, and drinks.

    4. Invest in Storage Containers: Use clear, airtight containers to store leftovers and pre-prepared ingredients. These containers not only keep your fridge organized but also help maintain the freshness of the food.

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